Cambridge African Network (CAN) is a registered charity.

Charity Number Number: 1143180

Cambridge African Network (CAN) started as an informal organisation working to bring together city residents of African origin to advance their health and wellbeing and look after each other.  Its goals expanded and it was registered formally in 2008 as a charity to promote social inclusion and the integration of the African community in the multicultural society of Cambridge and county. 

CAN is dedicated to supporting, advising and bringing together the diverse communities, and all who have an interest in what we do and who we are.  We organise activities which generate interest and cultural expression, empower our members, promote community interaction and integration.

Our core goals are:

1. To educate the community, especially the African community, in Cambridge and the surrounding area by such means as the trustees may determine.

2. To provide or assist in the provision of facilities or organise activities in the interests of social welfare for recreation or other leisure time occupation of individuals who have need of such facilities by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disability, financial hardship or social circumstances with the object of improving their conditions of life.

3. To support poverty relief efforts among members of the community in Cambridge

4. To support poverty relief efforts in Africa through donations and/or provision of services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.

4. To promote equality and diversity for the benefit of the public by promoting activities to foster understanding between people from diverse backgrounds in Cambridge and county, and UK as a whole.

Structure, Governance and Management

The charity is governed by its governing document and a deed of trust, and constitutes a limited company, limited by guarantee, as defined by the Companies Act 2006.

The management committee consists of 10 trustees including Chair, Secretary, Projects Officer, Treasurer, Cultural Officer(s), Legal Officer and Advisors. Any vote is decided by a simple majority.  The charity has no paid employees and all the management committee members are volunteers.

Recruitment and appointment of new trustees

Trustee status is gained by election onto the Management Committee. Trustees are appointed or re-appointed annually at the annual general meeting, held by the end of the second quarter of every year. 

Wider network

The charity works with other groups and organisations in the Cambridgeshire area which share similar ideas and objectives including the Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum (CECF).  The charity also subscribes to the Cambridge Council for Voluntary Service (CCVS).